Investigating and Simulating DGs to Improve Voltage Profile and Reducing Power Loss in Unbalanced Distribution Networks

Hassan Barati, Abdol Rasool Fatthi

DOI: 10.15598/aeee.v12i3.911
Development of Distributed generations (DGs) has changed the nature of power networks from passive to active. In order to specify a proper model for DG units, function and connection style of DGs to the network (direct or indirect) must be clarified. In this paper, operation of DGs in an unbalanced condition (due to unbalanced loads) will be studied. A three-phase power flow model is used to confirm the certainty of the proposed model. Generally DG modelling, depend on its type and controlling circuit, is like either PV or PQ bus. In this paper a three-phase unbalanced power flow model using Newton-Raphson method over a 4 buses power system is implemented. Based on the type of bus (PV or PQ), Simulation results show that the DGs can improve voltage profile (NEME and IEEE unbalance factor) and reduce network losses.