Design of Measurement System for Determining the Radioclimatology Effect on the Radio Signal Propagation Using Universal Software Radio

Martin Tomis, Libor Michalek, Marek Dvorsky

DOI: 10.15598/aeee.v11i6.892
In this paper, a developed point-to-point wireless link using Universal Software Radio Peripheral (USRP) is presented. The aim of the research is focused on the monitoring and analysing the transmission characteristics on the physical layer of such wireless communication link with the consideration that these parameters could be affected by atmospheric phenomenon and air pollution. For that reason, the wireless link is situated to heavily loaded environment of Ostrava agglomeration where it is assumed extreme atmospheric phenomena such as smog or inverse situation. In the next part, a developed application which perform a fully automatic long term measurement of the transmission characteristics using a wireless link is presented. Finally, the first experimental results based on mathematical regression are presented.