Dependence of Transfer Time of Bluetooth Payload Packets on the Surroundings and Distance

Premysl Mer

DOI: 10.15598/aeee.v12i2.891
This paper deals with the Bluetooth technology in telecommunication networks. The basis for the data transmission is a packet which has its own specifics in the wireless communication. The more important is signal level, but other parameters like transfer time and a number of transferred packets are interesting too. The output of this paper is a proposed mathematical model which describes dependencies of this output parameters on the distance of communicating devices and on the environment where these devices are placed. Some input criteria and conditions are defined for the functionality of the proposed model. The file transfer between both devices depends on the distance between communicating devices and on the surroundings, where the slave device is placed. For our purposes were selected some possible surroundings that might be encountered, it is free-space, paper with variant thickness, PVC or leather and wood with their density. Equation of mathematical model thanks to application of logarithmic regression analysis on graphical output was found out the equation of output function of mathematical model. Because partial equations were multiplying, it is multiplicative (additive) type of regression model.