A New Concept of Two-Stage Multi-Element Resonant-/Cyclo-Converter for Two-Phase IM/SM Motor

Mahmud Ali Rzig Abdalmula

DOI: 10.15598/aeee.v11i4.836
The paper deals with a new concept of power electronic two-phase system with two-stage DC/AC/AC converter and two-phase IM/PMSM motor. The proposed system consisting of two-stage converter comprises: input resonant boost converter with AC output, two-phase half-bridge cyclo-converter commutated by HF AC input voltage, and induction or synchronous motor. Such a system with AC interlink, as a whole unit, has better properties as a 3-phase reference VSI inverter: higher efficiency due to soft switching of both converter stages, higher switching frequency, smaller dimensions and weight with lesser number of power semiconductor switches and better price. In comparison with currently used conventional system configurations the proposed system features a good efficiency of electronic converters and also has a good torque overloading of two-phase AC induction or synchronous motors. Design of two-stage multi-element resonant converter and results of simulation experiments are presented in the paper.