PROMETHEE Method and Sensitivity Analysis in the Software Application for the Support of Decision-Making

Petr Moldrik, Jiri Gurecky, Leopold Paszek

PROMETHEE is one of methods, which fall into multi-criteria analysis (MCA). The MCA, as the name itself indicates, deals with the evaluation of particular variants according to several criteria. Developed software application (MCA8) for the support of multi-criteria decision-making was upgraded about PROMETHEE method and a graphic tool, which enables the execution of the sensitivity analysis. This analysis is used to ascertain how a given model output depends upon the input parameters. The MCA8 software application with mentioned graphic upgrade was developed for purposes of solving multi-criteria decision tasks. In the MCA8 is possible to perform sensitivity analysis by a simple form – through column graphs. We can change criteria significances (weights) in these column graphs directly and watch the changes of the order of variants immediately.