Metric Indices for Performance Evaluation of a Mixed Measurement based State Estimator

Paula Sofia Vide, Fernando Pires Maciel Barbosa, Jose Antanio Beleza Carvalho

DOI: 10.15598/aeee.v11i2.763
With the development of synchronized phasor measurement technology in recent years, it gains great interest the use of PMU measurements to improve state estimation performances due to their synchronized characteristics and high data transmission speed. The ability of the Phasor Measurement Units (PMU) to directly measure the system state is a key over SCADA measurement system. PMU measurements are superior to the conventional SCADA measurements in terms of resolution and accuracy. Since the majority of measurements in existing estimators are from conventional SCADA measurement system, it is hard to be fully replaced by PMUs in the near future so state estimators including both phasor and conventional SCADA measurements are being considered. In this paper, a mixed measurement (SCADA and PMU measurements) state estimator is proposed. Several useful measures for evaluating various aspects of the performance of the mixed measurement state estimator are proposed and explained. State Estimator validity, performance and characteristics of the results on IEEE 14 bus test system and IEEE 30 bus test system are presented.