A New Threshold Switching Scheme for a DVB-RCS Mobile Return Link in a Terrestrian Railway Scenario

Mauro Tropea

DOI: 10.15598/aeee.v10i5.735
The new standard for DVB-RCS includes guidelines for mobile user in the market of aircraft, maritime and terrestrial transportation. The standard proposed by ETSI suggests the possibility of using a continuous carrier operation mode in the return channel, beside the classical MF-TDMA mode for better adapting the satellite bandwidth to the new requests of mobile users. It can be important a mechanism for switching between these modalities, in order to exploit in a better way the satellite resources. In this paper a proposal of a novel switching mechanism is presented. Simulation campaigns are carried out in order to validate the proposal algorithm considering different user application distributions. Simulation results proof the goodness of the proposal and provide some guidelines to the satellite operators that want to adopt in their satellite system this hybrid mode called by ETSI standard “Basic Mode”.