Textile Antenna for 50 ohm Applications

Robi Dahal, Demet Mercan, Lukas Vojtech, Marek Neruda

DOI: 10.15598/aeee.v10i4.725
The new generation of textile materials have the capability to conduct electricity and at the same time be wearable. There are much more applications involved if an antenna is made from parts that are totally wearable. This new property of conductivity in textile materials is used to implement the wireless functions to clothing. In general, the antennas are made of highly conductive metal with is a solid structure, which results in stable output. The challenge with textile antenna is output stability which is given by pure textile material of the radiating element, dielectric material and also ground, which can be can be folded and twisted. The paper presents the design and fabricated output results of the textile antenna which is used for the 50 ohm system (as GPS or WLAN) at 2,45 GHz.