Development of a Forward/Backward Power Flow Algorithm in Distribution Systems Based on Probabilistic Technique Using Normal Distribution

Shahrokh Shojaeian, Ehsan Salleala Naeeni, Ehsan Taslimi Renani

DOI: 10.15598/aeee.v12i5.702
There are always some uncertainties in prediction and estimation of distribution systems loads. These uncertainties impose some undesirable impacts and deviations on power flow of the system which may cause reduction in accuracy of the results obtained by system analysis. Thus, probabilistic analysis of distribution system is very important. This paper proposes a probabilistic power flow technique by applying a normal probabilistic distribution in seven standard deviations on forward-backward algorithm. The losses and voltage of IEEE 33-bus test distribution network is investigated by our new algorithm and the results are compared with the conventional algorithm i.e., based on deterministic methods.