Single Input Variable Universe Fuzzy Controller with Contraction-Expansion Factor for Inverted Pendulum in Real Time

Yogesh Kumar Dhanni

DOI: 10.15598/aeee.v10i5.657
In Conventional Fuzzy Logic Controller (CFLC), input variables arethe error (E)andthe change-in-error (EC)regardless of the complexity of controlled plant. The rule table constructed for CFLC is two dimensional in input space. This two dimensional rule table can be reduced to single dimension by the signed distance method. This method also reduces the number of rules significantly. In this paper a fuzzy controller is designed withthe signed distanceinput variable. Then to improve the performance of this controller the technique of variable universe of discourse is used. After using these two techniques simultaneous to design a fuzzy controller, it is implemented to stabilize inverted pendulum in real time.