Identification of Open-Circuit Faults in T-Type Inverters Using Fuzzy Logic Approach

Amina Mimouni , Souad Laribi , Tayeb Allaoui, Morsli Sebaa, Abdelkader Azzeddine Bengharbi

DOI: 10.15598/aeee.v21i4.5218
With the increasing adoption of solar Photovoltaic (PV) systems in several applications, reliability and service continuity are important challenges that need to be addressed. Power converters are vital components in solar PV systems and inverters tend to be the most likely devices of equipment to experience faults which usually occur in the switching devices. It is therefore critical to assess the functioning of the inverters and identify these faults in order to lower risks and the resulting financial losses. Open-circuit faults (OCF) are among the most common. This paper suggests a fuzzy-based fault detection approach for the T-Type inverter in grid connected PV system based on the diagnosis variables which are calculated using the average values of positive and the negative parts of the normalized output currents data. After that, these variables are analyzed using a fuzzy logic technique, The single, multiple power switch open circuit faults may all be detected and diagnosed utilizing this fuzzy-based fault diagnostic technique. The results of the simulation in MATLAB show that the proposed method can accurately identify and locate OCF the inverter switches.