Application of Results of Experimental Identification in Control of Laboratory Helicopter Model

Kamil Dolinsky, Anna Jadlovska

DOI: 10.15598/aeee.v9i4.517
This article deals with experimental identification and control of laboratory helicopter model CE 150 manufactured by company Humusoft. Structure of the identified system was approximated by linear black-box models. Discrete Input/Output Auto-Regressive Moving Average model with eXternal input (ARMAX) and its state space equivalent were used. Parameters of the models were estimated by regression techniques using System Identification Toolbox for Matlab. Acquired models were validated using simulations, residual analysis and real-time control. Input/output data necessary for identification were obtained by measurements from laboratory model and were processed using Real-Time Toolbox for Matlab. Based on acquired mathematical models input/output and state space controllers were designed (input/output pole placement with integration, state space pole placement with integration and observer). Designed controllers were implemented in Matlab environment using the Real Time Toolbox and their performance was verified by real-time control of the helicopter model.