Designing of Proportional Sliding Mode Controller for Linear One Stage Inverted Pendulum

Anirban Banrejee, M. J. Nigam

DOI: 10.15598/aeee.v9i2.504
The control of Inverted Pendulum (IP) is a hugely complex task. A great deal of nonlinearity is present inherently and as well as affected by the surrounding external conditions. The sliding mode controller (SMC) is very robust inherently. It is used in this paper to control the IP. This paper examines the designing of sliding mode controller (SMC) for a linear inverted pendulum (IP). The paper highlights the important features of the sliding mode and also throws ample lights on the designing guidelines. The paper puts special impetus on the mathematical modeling of the controller. The robustness of the design of SMC with proportional control is amply displayed with the help of simple mathematics. It gives rise to a controller which can control a highly nonlinear system like IP quite efficiently. The performance of the SMC is compared with fuzzy and PID controller. The edge this controller poses is the key aspect of this paper. External disturbances and internal inaccuracies are also introduced to the system to bring out the robustness of the controller to the fore. Background on sliding mode and the pendulum are provided. Simulation results are displayed in a vivid manner and explained suitably.