IoT Supervised PV-HVDC Combined Wide Area Power Network Security Scheme Using Wavelet-Neuro Analysis

Gantaiah Swamy Garika, Padma Kottala

DOI: 10.15598/aeee.v20i4.4595
Power system networks are one of the most widely used methods in the real world for transferring large amounts of electrical energy from one location to another. At present, High Voltage Direct Current Transmission is preferred for long distances over hundreds of miles due to minimal power loss and transmission cost of transmission.Due to an increase in power demand, integration of renewable sources to minimise the voltage fluctuations and compensate for power loss is necessary. This is a mandatory requirement to produce sophisticated protection methods for mainly smart systems under various balanced and unbalanced fault conditions. The system protection scheme must respond as quickly as possible to protect the connected devices in a smart environment. The network must be monitored and protected under various weather conditions as well as electrical parametric problems. The proposed research work is carried on the basis of physical monitoring with the aid of the Internet-of-Things and electrical parameters calibrated with the help of wavelet analysis. A wavelet is a mathematical tool to investigate the behaviour of transient signals at different frequencies, which provides important information related to the detailed analysis of faults in power networks. The major goals of this research are to analyse faults using detailed coefficients of current signals through the bior-1.5 mother wavelet for fault identification and artificial neural network analysis for fault localization. This proposed approach furnishes an IoT supervised Photovoltaic - High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) combined wide area power network security scheme using wavelet detailed coefficients under various types of faults with Fault-Inception-Angles.