Reliability-Security in Wireless-Powered Cooperative Network with Friendly Jammer

Van Duc Phan, Thanh Luan Nguyen, Tran Tin Phu, Van Vinh Nguyen

DOI: 10.15598/aeee.v20i4.4511
In this paper, we study the Outage Probability (OP) and the Intercept Probability (IP) of Wireless-Powered Cooperative Networks (WPCNs) in the presence of a malicious eavesdropper and a friendly jammer. We specifically present the system model and the power splitting Energy Harvesting (EH) architecture to increase system reliability and security. In addition, we obtain exact analytical equations for the OP and IP. Asymptotic analysis in the low Signal-to-Jam Ratio (SJR) regimes expressed in integral-form expressions are provided to observe the lower bound of the IP. Finally, all derivations are validated by simulation results using the Monte Carlo method.