Proposals for the Modernization of TPP Turbogenerators

Valentine Shevchenko, Alexander Minko, Larisa Shilkova

DOI: 10.15598/aeee.v21i2.4471
The purpose of this work is to develop proposals for modernizing the design of turbogenerators with a capacity of 200-300 MW in order to increase their power. To increase the power, it is proposed to increase the generator electromagnetic parameters (induction in the magnetic circuit and linear load of the generator). At the same time, the possibility of replacing hydrogen, which cools the generator internal volume, on the air was studied, which is a global trend for turbogenerators of thermal power plants with a capacity of 200-300 MW. A prerequisite was the preservation of the turbogenerator dimensions. The set goals were achieved by changing the geometry of the stator core tooth zone and intensifying cooling. To determine the necessary changes in the tooth zone with a change in the electromagnetic and thermal characteristics of the turbogenerator, a mathematical model was developed that makes it possible to determine by calculation the required dimensions and configuration of the stator slots and gas cooler elements at condition that the permissible thermal characteristics are maintained. The modelling of the stator core was carried out in order to select the dimensions of the slots and channels of axial ventilation for the required mode of the coolers operation, subject to an increase in power.