Positioning the Adjacent Buried Objects Using UWB Technology Combine with Levenberg Marquardt Algorithm
Nguyen Thi Huyen, Duong Duc Ha, Hiep Thanh Pham
DOI: 10.15598/aeee.v20i1.4355
The determination of the buried objects and cracks in building structures is an important issue in real-life. In this paper, we propose a new method called Correlation Function Separation Technique (CFST) combine with the Lervenberg-Marquardt Algorithm (LMA) using the Impulse Radio Ultra-Wide Band (IR-UWB) penetrating system to improve the accuracy in detecting and positioning of the adjacent buried objects in building structures. Based on the UWB signal processing, the proposed method can be used to determine both the relative permittivity of the environment and the position of the buried objects, especially the adjacent objects. The analytical method is validated by mathematical proofs and Matlab simulations, and the position errors are used to assess the performance of proposed method. The numerical results shown that the proposed method can be used for positioning the adjacent buried objects in the homogeneous environment which has an average positioning error of 3.52cm, which is smaller than that of the conventional method based on B-canned radar images processing.