Design and Optimization of a Spiral Electrode Triboelectric Nanogenerator Using Response Surface Methodology

Mohammadali Heydari, Tahereh Fanaei Sheikholeslami, Amin Behzadmehr

DOI: 10.15598/aeee.v20i2.4285
Triboelectric nanogenerator is a promising technology and emerging approach for harvesting environmental mechanical energy. However, because of nature of the environmental mechanical motions, the amplitude and direction of the movements are unpredictable. In this paper, a triboelectric nanogenerator with a zero inductance spiral electrode is proposed to generate electricity from sliding motions, regardless of the motion direction. Various samples with different electrode size and number of spiral electrodes were fabricated and characterized. To obtain the optimum output power density, response surface methodology was employed. The experiments were designed based on the central composite design approach for different combinations of the electrode turn number and the electrode width and pitch. To show the validity and accuracy of the method, the predicted results were compared with additional experimental results which a good concordance between the results. Contours of output power density for different combinations of the design variables were plotted. The latter helps designers to easily find the optimal configuration to obtain the desired power output.