The Validation of Various Technological Factors Impact on the Electron Beam Lithography Process

Agnieszka Zawadzka, Kornelia Indykiewicz, Regina Paszkiewicz

DOI: 10.15598/aeee.v19i2.4133
One of the most significant processes in micro- and nanoelectronics technology is Electron Beam Lithography (EBL). This technique maintains a leading role in extremely high-resolution structures fabrication process with micro- and nanometer dimensions down to dozens of nanometers. The EBL is a highly complex process and determining fundamental technological factors that affect the final pattern shape is crucial. One of them is the used lithography system, consisting of a substrate and a polymer layer that affects the electron scattering effects. To obtain the required pattern geometry, it is also necessary to properly select the electron beam parameters for given materials. The aim of this work is to discuss the differences in the exposition process for various accelerating voltage (EHT) values. Additionally, the investigation of geometry features and the impact of the exposure dose and the structure dimensions on the final absorbed energy distribution profile in the resist layer is presented and discussed. Numerical studies, using CASINO software and Monte Carlo method, are presented to compare the energy distribution in the polymer that affects the structure formation in the resist layer.