H∞ Control of Wrim Driven Flywheel Storage System to Ride-Through Grid Voltage Dips

Ahmed Lazrak, Ahmed Abbou

DOI: 10.15598/aeee.v18i1.3546
Flywheel Energy Storage Systems (FESSs) are commonly integrated with wind farms to help them to provide many grid services, including frequency control, voltage control, and power smoothing. Although such systems are not concerned by the severe grid code requirements, their ability to ride-through voltage dips is important to ensure better stability of the power grid. In this paper, the authors propose a robust H∞ current controller for a Wound Rotor Induction Machine (WRIM) based FESS during grid voltage dips. The proposed H∞ controller decreases the negative effects of voltage dips in the WRIM system, such as the rotor over-currents and the active power oscillations. On the other hand, it also guarantees the robustness in the presence of parameter perturbation. The proposed controller is designed using a modified mixed-sensitivity H∞ technique to take into consideration grid disturbances and parameter perturbation. Finally, simulations are made in MATLAB/Simulink using SimPowerSystems to verify the effectiveness of the H∞ controller under grid voltage dips with WRIM parameter perturbation. The simulation results show that the proposed H∞ controller can improve the stability of the WRIM based FESS subject to grid voltage dips and guarantee the robustness with parameter perturbation.