A Novel Reduced Components Model Predictive Controlled Multilevel Inverter for Grid-Tied Applications

Cathrine Elia Saleeb Feloups, Essam Ebaid Mobarak Mohamed

DOI: 10.15598/aeee.v17i3.3353
This paper presents an improved single-phase Multilevel Inverter (MLI) which is conceptualized to reduce power switches along with separate DC voltage sources. Compared with recent modular topologies, the proposed MLI employs a reduced number of components. The proposed inverter consists of a combination of two circuits, i.e., the level generation and polarity generation parts. The level generation part is used to synthesize different output voltage levels, while the polarity inversion is performed by a~conventional H-bridge circuit. The performance of the proposed topology has been studied using s single-phase seven-level inverter, which utilizes seven power switches and three independent DC voltage sources. Model Predictive Control (MPC) is applied to inject a sinusoidal current into the utility grid which exhibits low Total Harmonic Distortion (THD). Tests, including a~change in grid current amplitude as well as operation under variation in Power Factor (PF), have been performed to validate the good performance obtained using MPC. The effectiveness of the proposed seven-level inverter has been verified theoretically using MATLAB Simulink. In addition, Real-Time (RT) validation using the dSPACE-CP1103 has been performed to confirm the system performance and system operation using digital platforms. Simulation and RT results show improved THD at 1.23% of injected current.