Signal Processing of Amperometric Biosensors for Emerging Blood Glucose Measurement/Monitoring

Maryamsadat Shokrekhodaei, Stella Quinones, Ziba Fazel, Homer Nazeran

DOI: 10.15598/aeee.v17i1.3020
In this paper, an overview of Amperometric Biosensors with application to chemical measurement systems is presented first. We then focus on signal processing enhancement of emerging Amperometric Biosensors suitable for eHealth applications by design and implementation of an analog four-path high-quality Band Pass Filter (BPF) with adjustable center frequency. This filter is placed prior to the ADC stage to remove the aliased noise and improve on the Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR). Finally, future trends in applying Amperometric Biosensors as user-friendly personalized glucose measurement devices are conceptualized and discussed.