Optimization of Nonuniform Linear Antenna Array Topology

Xuan Luong Tran, Jiri Vesely, Filip Dvorak

DOI: 10.15598/aeee.v16i3.2841
This paper deals with the use of a Nonuniform Linear Antenna array (NLA) for determining the Directions of Arrival (DOA) of a signal in 2450MHz frequency band. First, the principle of the DOA estimation method is described for the case of the MUSIC method. This paper also discusses the possibilities of optimizing the position of antenna elements in the NLA configuration, which are performed in analytical solutions and simulations. The simulation results are compared to the analytical results to obtain optimal NLA configurations for determining the signal DOA. Simulation results show that the probability of resolution and accuracy in determining the signal DOA are dependent on the antenna array aperture essentially. Furthermore, the realized NLA configuration was verified by an experimental measurement. The obtained experiment results demonstrate that the applied MUSIC method for NLA configuration is suitable and also highly accurate in determining the signal DOA, which was verified.