Simulation of Selected Induction Motor Operating Conditions Using COMSOL Software

Stanislav Kocman, Petr Orsag, Pavel Pecinka

DOI: 10.15598/aeee.v16i3.2824
In this paper, some results from a simulation of three-phase squirrel-cage induction motor using COMSOL Multiphysics software are shown for the selected motor operating conditions. The simulation has been carried out under the nominal operating condition at the nominal rotational speed, for the operation under no-load and for the operation under locked rotor. The waveforms of the stator current, the currents in two neighbouring rotor bars, the current in the rotor ring and the motor inner torque are presented for each tested condition. The simulated values of some motor parameters are compared to their values from the motor catalogue, the manufacturer’s measurement, or the measurement in our laboratory, respectively. The simulated values of the rotor bar current and the rotor ring current are compared to their values from the scientific literature. The parameters of the motor equivalent circuit are calculated by COMSOL and compared to the values calculated from the motor data plate and from the measured values.