On Outage Probability and Throughput Performance of Cognitive Radio Inspired NOMA Relay System

Thanh Nam Tran, Dinh Thuan Do, Miroslav Voznak

DOI: 10.15598/aeee.v16i4.2801
To improve the throughput and the outage probability of the Cognitive Radio (CR) inspired system, a novel Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA) can be deployed to adapt multiple services in 5G wireless communication. In this scheme, after the reception of the superposition coded symbol with a predefined power allocation factors from the primary source, the relay decodes and forwards with a new superposition coded symbol (i.e. allocating another power factors) to the destination. By employing twin antenna design at the relay, the bandwidth efficiency in such scheme will be improved. Assuming Rayleigh fading channels, the closed-form expressions in terms of throughput and the outage performance are derived. Through numerical results, they showed that the outage performance of the proposed scheme using a Single Antenna (SA) scheme at the relay is better than a Twin Antenna (TA) scheme because SA scheme is not affected by its own antenna interference.