Disturbances Elimination with Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control for Mobile Robot Trajectory Tracking

Walid Benaziza, Noureddine Slimane, Ali Mallem

DOI: 10.15598/aeee.v16i3.2767
The disturbances are the significant issue for the trajectory tracking of mobile robots. Therefore, an adequate control law is presented in this paper and this one is based on Global Terminal Sliding Mode (GTSM) with fuzzy control. This control law aims to guarantee the avoidance of the kinematic disturbances which are injected in the angular and linear velocities, respectively. Moreover, the dynamic model based on exponential reaching law is presented to avoid the uncertainties. The control law provides the asymptotic stability by taking into account the fuzzy rules and Lyapunov theory. Thus, the chattering phenomenon should be avoided. The simulation works prove the robustness of the proposed control law by considering the disturbances function and the robot can follow the desired trajectories.