OTRA Based Piece-Wise Linear VTC Generators and Their Application in High-Frequency Sinusoid Generation

Sirish Oruganti, Yatin Gilhotra, Neeta Pandey, Rajeshwari Pandey

DOI: 10.15598/aeee.v15i5.2462
This paper proposes methods to generate various types of Linear Voltage Transfer Curves (VTC) using Operational Trans-Resistance Amplifier (OTRA) as the active block. It further goes on to propose methods to multiplex various individual Linear VTCs to obtain any form of Piece-Wise Linear Voltage Transfer Curves (PWL), which find many applications in the world of circuitry. One particular application has been highlighted, i.e. generation of High-Frequency Sinusoids. Simulations of the Circuits proposed via Cadence Virtuoso, using TowerJazz’s 180 nm Technology Node have been reported, which satisfy the aim behind its development.