Stability Analysis of a Novel Switched Inductor Based Quadratic Boost DC-DC Converter

Divya Navamani, Vijayakumar Krishnaswamy, Jegatheesan Ramiah

DOI: 10.15598/aeee.v15i5.2436
This paper proposes a new Switched Inductor based Quadratic Boost (SLQB) converter. The theoretical study for control design is carried out in detail. Small signal dynamic analysis of the proposed topology is obtained by State-Space averaging technique to investigate the closed-loop performance of SLQB converter. Ziegler-Nichols' closed loop tuning method is adapted to design the controller and analyze the closed loop performance. The theoretically derived transfer functions divulged a perfect matching with simulation results obtained from circuit simulator, spice. The effectiveness and adaptability of the SLQB converter are confirmed with high gain DC-DC converters belonging to the SL family. The stability study is carried out by MATLAB software, and the respective graphs are obtained to analyze the open loop and closed loop performance of the derived converter.}