Social Based Mobility Model with Metrics for Evaluation of Social Behaviour in Mobility Models for MANET-DTN Networks

David Hrabcak, Martin Matis, Lubomir Dobos, Jan Papaj

DOI: 10.15598/aeee.v15i4.2384
In this paper, are described the basics of Social Based Mobility Model inspired by mobility of students alongside with Metrics for Evaluation of Social Behaviour in Mobility Models for MANET-DTN networks. These networks are mobile networks, where mobile devices are carried by humans. For simulation purposes, it is useful if mobility models designed to evaluate and tests performance of routing protocols are using mobility patterns and behaviour of humans. For these reasons, Students Social Based Mobility Model (SSBMM) was proposed as simulation tool with social mobility of nodes. To prove that SSBMM is really using social behaviour of nodes, Metrics for Evaluation of Social Behaviour in Mobility Models was designed. These metrics were adapted to the mobility of nodes in order to be able to reveal if the mobility of nodes in used mobility models is social. The performed simulations prove deviation of SSBMM from random mobility models. Described metrics reveal that SSBMM has strong social ties among nodes in comparison with random mobility models.