Advanced Control of the Dynamic Voltage Restorer for Mitigating Voltage Sags in Power Systems

Dung Vo Tien, Radomir Gono, Zbigniew Leonowicz, Trinh Tran Duy, Luigi Martirano

DOI: 10.15598/aeee.v16i1.2350
The paper presents a vector control with two cascaded loops to improve the properties of Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR) to minimize Voltage Sags on the grid. Thereby, a vector controlled structure was built on the rotating dq-coordinate system with the combination of voltage control and the current control. The proposed DVR control method is modelled using MATLAB-Simulink. It is tested using balanced/unbalanced voltage sags as well as fluctuant and distorted voltages. As a result, by using this controlling method, the dynamic characteristics of the system have been improved significantly. The system performed with higher accuracy, faster response and lower distortion in the voltage sags compensation. The paper presents real time experimental results to verify the performance of the proposed method in real environments.