The Influence of Particle Size and Substituent Contents on the Magnetic Properties of Be or Cu Substituted NiZn Ferrites

Jozef Slama, Elemir Usak, Rastislav Dosoudil, Anna Gruskova, Marianna Usakova, Vladimir Jancarik

Polycrystalline NiZn ferrites with the chemical formula (Ni0.3Zn0.7)1−xMexFe2O4 where Me being Be or Cu andx=0.05, 0.1 and 0.25 have been prepared by a ceramic method. Certain magnetic properties such as the coercivity Hc, initialpermeability mi, real part of the complex permeability m’ and saturation magnetization Ms of the ferrites have been measuredand discussed from the point of view of the substituting element type and contents as well as the average particle size.