Analysis on the AES Implementation with Various Granularities on Different GPU Architectures

Ahmed Awadalla Abdelrahman, Mohamed Mahmoud Fouad, Hisham Dahshan

DOI: 10.15598/aeee.v15i3.2324
The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is One of the most popular symmetric block cipher because it has better efficiency and security. The AES is computation intensive algorithm especially for massive transactions. The Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) is an amazing platform for accelerating AES. it has good parallel processing power. Traditional approaches for implementing AES using GPU use 16 byte per thread as a default granularity. In this paper, the AES-128 algorithm (ECB mode) is implemented on three different GPU architectures with different values of granularities (32,64 and 128 bytes/thread). Our results show that the throughput factor reaches 277 Gbps, 201 Gbps and 78 Gbps using the NVIDIA GTX 1080 (Pascal), the NVIDIA GTX TITAN X (Maxwell) and the GTX 780 (Kepler) GPU architectures.