Exact Throughput Analyses of Energy-Harvesting Cooperation Scheme with Best Relay Selections Under I/Q Imbalance

Tan Phuoc Huynh, Pham Ngoc Son, Miroslav Voznak

DOI: 10.15598/aeee.v15i4.2302
In this paper, we propose an energy-harvesting cooperation scheme in which relays suffer in-phase and quadrature-phase imbalances (IQI) and harvest energy from a wireless transmit source. A best relay is selected based on end-to-end signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratios (SINRs) in both Amplify-and-Forward (called an EHAF protocol) and Decode-and-Forward (called an EHDF protocol) cooperation methods. We analyze and evaluate the system performance in terms of exact closed-form throughputs over Rayleigh fading channels. Simulation and analysis results discover contributions as follows. Firstly, the throughput performance of the proposed protocols EHAF and EHDF is improved when comparing with that of a non-selection cooperation scheme. Secondly, the EHDF protocol is more efficient than the EHAF protocol. Finally, the theoretical analyses are validated by performing Monte Carlo simulations.