Optimizing of Passive Optical Network Deployment Using Algorithm with Metrics

Tomas Pehnelt, Pavel Lafata

DOI: 10.15598/aeee.v15i5.2285
Various approaches and methods are used for designing of optimum deployment of Passive Optical Networks (PON) according to selected optimization criteria, such as optimal trenching distance, endpoint attenuation and overall installed fibre length. This article describes the ideas and possibilities for an algorithm with the application of graph algorithms for finding the shortest path from Optical Line Termination to Optical Network Terminal unit. This algorithm uses a combination of different methods for generating of an optimal metric, thus creating the optimized tree topology mainly focused on summary trenching distance. Furthermore, it deals with algorithms for finding an optimal placement of optical splitter with the help of K-Means clustering method and hierarchical clustering technique. The results of the proposed algorithm are compared with existing methods.