Noninvasive Fetal Heart Rate Monitoring: Validation of Phonocardiography-Based Fiber-Optic Sensing and Adaptive Filtering Using the NLMS Algorithm

Jan Nedoma, Marcel Fajkus, Stanislav Kepak, Jakub Cubik, Radana Kahankova, Petr Janku, Vladimir Vasinek, Homer Nazeran, Radek Martinek

DOI: 10.15598/aeee.v15i3.2195
Here we present the evaluation results of our novel noninvasive phonocardiographic-based fiberoptic sensor for fetal Heart Rate (fHR) detection using adaptive filtering and the NLMS Algorithm. The sensor uses two interferometric probes encapsulated inside a PolyDiMethylSiloxane (PDMS) polymer. Based on real data acquired from pregnant women in a suitable research laboratory environment, once they had given their written informed consents, we created a simplified dynamic signal model of the distribution of maternal and fetal heart sounds inside the maternal body. Building upon this signal model, we verified the functionality of our novel fiber-optic sensor and its associated adaptive filtering system using the NLMS Algorithm. The main reason why we chose this technology to develop our system was that it allows monitoring the fHR without exposing the fetus to any external energies or radiation (in contrast to the ultrasound-based Cardiotocography Method). We used objective criteria such as: Signal to Noise Ratios: SNRin, SNRout and Percentage Root-mean-square Difference (PRD) for our evaluations.