Wireless Health Monitoring System for Rotor Eccentricity Faults Detection in Induction Machine

Ilias Ouachtouk, Soumia El Hani, Khalid Dahi

DOI: 10.15598/aeee.v15i3.2193
Condition monitoring and fault detection of induction machines become an important area of research. Many techniques have been applied in this field including vibration, thermal, chemical and acoustic emission monitoring, but Motor Current Signature Analysis monitoring techniques usually are applied to detect the various classes of induction machine faults such as rotor, short winding, eccentricity and bearing fault etc. This paper presents a wireless system detection for rotor eccentricity faults in induction machine based on LabVIEW platform. Moreover, it is demonstrated that eccentricity fault generates a series of low frequency components in the form of sidebands around the fundamental frequency and its harmonic. In addition, the amplitudes of those components increase in proportion to the load and fault severity. The Power Spectral Density techniques and Short Time Frequency Transform spectrogram of current signals are used to detect the presence of those fault signatures