Proximity Effect in Gate Fabrication Using Photolithography Technique

Joanna Prazmowska, Kornelia Indykiewicz, Bogdan Paszkiewicz, Regina Paszkiewicz

DOI: 10.15598/aeee.v15i2.2024
In the paper the technological factors influencing test structure gate length were described. The influence of test structure gate placement (Schottky metallization between ohmic contacts, on mesa and on GaN surface) was analyzed and discussed. Moreover, various distances between ohmic contacts paths were tested. Except for experimental investigations, simulations using finite elements method in COMSOL were performed for the same structure. The modelling results revealed crucial impact of a gap beyond the mask on the electric field distribution in photoresist layer. The smallest value of relative error of test finger lengths was observed for finger parts placed between ohmic paths on mesas. It was explained by thicker lift-off double layer between ohmic paths and the smallest Y-gap compared to test fingers placed on mesa and outside of it. Simulation did not bring an explanation of larger values of relative error for smaller distance between ohmic paths.