Design of Sensor Systems for Long Time Electrodermal Activity Monitoring

Erik Vavrinsky, Viera Stopjakova, Martin Donoval, Martin Daricek, Helena Svobodova, Jozef Mihalov, Michal Hanic, Vladimir Tvarozek

DOI: 10.15598/aeee.v15i2.2021
This article describes successive development of electrodermal activity monitoring sensor system. Our aim is to improve existing systems to be more practical and suitable for long-term monitoring. Therefore, compared to conventional devices, our system must be easily wearable, without limiting the examined person in ordinary life, with low power consumption, battery operated and reducing the impact of negative artefacts. Specifically, we describe here three devices. The first is serving mainly to familiarize with the methodology, extensive testing and optimization of measurement parameters. Based on the obtained result, we constructed second system in form of small ring - "EDA ring". Last sensor system is developed with the effort to integrate the monitoring of electrodermal activity in e-health and smart clothes.