Ultra Low Power Adiabatic Logic Using Diode Connected DC Biased PFAL Logic

Akash Agrawal, Tarun Kumar Gupta, Ajay Kumar Dadoria

DOI: 10.15598/aeee.v15i1.1974
With the continuous scaling down of technology in the field of integrated circuit design, low power dissipation has become one of the primary focuses of the research. With the increasing demand for low power devices, adiabatic logic gates prove to be an effective solution. This paper briefs on different adiabatic logic families such as ECRL (Efficient Charge Recovery Logic), 2N-2N2P and PFAL (Positive Feedback Adiabatic Logic), and presents a new proposed circuit based on the PFAL logic circuit. The aim of this paper is to simulate various logic gates using PFAL logic circuits and with the proposed logic circuit, and hence to compare the effectiveness in terms of average power dissipation and delay at different frequencies. This paper further presents implementation of C17 and C432 benchmark circuits, using the proposed logic circuit and the conventional PFAL logic circuit to compare effectiveness of the proposed logic circuit in terms of average power dissipation at different frequencies. All simulations are carried out by using HSPICE Simulator at 65 nm technology at different frequency ranges. Finally, average power dissipation characteristics are plotted with the help of graphs, and comparisons are made between PFAL logic family and new proposed PFAL logic family.