Design and Control of Parallel Three Phase Voltage Source Inverters in Low Voltage AC Microgrid

El Hassane Margoum, Nissrine Krami, Luis Seca, Carlos Moreira, Hassan Mharzi

DOI: 10.15598/aeee.v15i2.1912
Design and hierarchical control of three phase parallel Voltage Source Inverters are developed in this paper. The control scheme is based on synchronous reference frame and consists of primary and secondary control levels. The primary control consists of the droop control and the virtual output impedance loops. This control level is designed to share the active and reactive power correctly between the connected VSIs in order to avoid the undesired circulating current and overload of the connected VSIs. The secondary control is designed to clear the magnitude and the frequency deviations caused by the primary control. The control structure is validated through dynamics simulations.The obtained results demonstrate the effectiveness of the control structure.