The Modelling of the Post-Operative Perfusion in Burns from LDI Data

Jan Kubicek, Iveta Bryjova, Hana Klosova, Jiri Stetinsky, Marek Penhaker

DOI: 10.15598/aeee.v15i1.1791
The paper deals with an empirical mathematical model serving for the time evolution of postoperative blood perfusion in burn wounds developed in the setting of surgical treatment of full thickness, or non-healing deep dermal burns involving application of Split Thickness Skin Grafts (STSG), and Autologous Platelet Concentrate (APC), with the main goal of early assessment enhancement and healing prognosis of burns. Numerical parameters of the model including a 95 % confidence level prediction interval were determined using the nonlinear fit procedure. We cautiously claim that the suggested model could serve as a beneficial tool in objective comparisons of treatment efficacy and facilitating the decision making process. However, reliably determined model parameters still require a large amount of laser Doppler imaging data to be processed for individual kinds of treatment.