On-Line Efficiency Improvement of Induction Motor Vector Controlled

Djamel Benoudjit, Mohamed Said Nait Said, Said Drid, Nasreddine Nait Said

DOI: 10.15598/aeee.v14i3.1682
Efficiency improvement is an important challenge for electric motor driven systems. For an induction motor, operation under rated conditions (at rated load with rated flux) is very efficient. However, in many situations, operation with rated flux causes low efficiency especially at light load ranges. In these applications, induction motor should operate at reduced flux which causes a balance between iron losses and copper losses leading to an improved efficiency. This paper concerns energy optimization, i.e. efficiency improvement is carried out via a controller designed on the basis of imposing the rated power factor, by finding a relationship between rotor flux and torque current component which can optimize the compromise between torque and efficiency in steady state as well as in transient state. Experimental results are presented to prove the effectiveness and validity of the proposed controller.