Hopfield Lagrange Network Based Method for Economic Emission Dispatch Problem of Fixed-Head Hydro Thermal Systems

Thang Nguyen Trung, Dieu Vo Ngoc

DOI: 10.15598/aeee.v14i2.1543
This paper proposes a Hopfield Lagrange Network (HLN) based method (HLNM) for economic emission dispatch of fixed head hydrothermal systems. HLN is a combination of Lagrange function and continuous Hopfield neural network where the Lagrange function is directly used as the energy function for the continuous Hopfield neural network. In the proposed method, HLN is used to find a set of non-dominated solutions and a fuzzy based mechanism is then exploited to determine the best compromise solution among the obtained ones. The proposed method has been tested on four hydrothermal systems and the obtained results in terms of total fuel cost, emission, and computational time have been compared to those other methods in the literature. The result comparisons have indicated that the proposed method is favorable for solving the economic emission dispatch problem of fixed-head hydrothermal systems.