Subjective Video Quality Assessment of H.265 Compression Standard for Full HD Resolution

Miroslav Uhrina, Michal Malicek, Martin Vaculik

DOI: 10.15598/aeee.v13i5.1503
Recently increasing interest in multimedia services leads to requirements for quality assessment, especially in the video domain. There are many factors that influence the video quality. Compression technology and transmission link imperfection can be considered as the main ones. This paper deals with the assessment of the impact of H.265/HEVC compression standard on the video quality using subjective metrics. The evaluation is done for two types of sequences with Full HD resolution depending on content. The paper is divided as follows. In the first part of the article, a short characteristic of the H.265/HEVC compression standard is written. In the second part, the subjective video quality methods used in our experiments are described. The last part of this article deals with the measurements and experimental results. They showed that quality of sequences coded between 5 and 7 Mbps is for observers sufficient, so there is no need for providers to use higher bitrates in streaming than this threshold. These results are part of a new model that is still being created and will be used for predicting the video quality in networks based on IP.