Vehicular Traffic Optimization in VANETs: a Proposal for Nodes Re-routing and Congestion Reduction

Mauro Tropea, Amilcare Francesco Santamaria

DOI: 10.15598/aeee.v13i4.1495
Recently, vehicular networking has grown up in terms of interest and transmission capability, due to the possibility of exploiting the distributed communication paradigm in a mobile scenario, where moving nodes are represented by vehicles. In this paper, we focus our attention on the optimization of traffic flowing in a vehicular environment with vehicle-roadside capability. As shown in the next sections, the proposed idea exploits the information that is gathered by road-side units with the main aim of redirecting traffic flows (in terms of vehicles) to less congested roads, with an overall system optimization, also in terms of Carbon Dioxide emissions reduction. A deep campaign of simulations has been carried out to give more effectiveness to our proposal.