Analysis of Signal Attenuation in UHF Band

Libor Michalek, Marek Dvorsky, Ondrej Grunt, Jan Skapa, Roman Sebesta

DOI: 10.15598/aeee.v13i4.1484
This paper deals with signal attenuation in ultra-high-frequency bands caused by rain. We focus mainly on the effect of the rain on the radio waves propagation in the frequency band 2.1 GHz. Two exact approaches for investigating this dependency are used. In the first approach, we use the fitting probability density function for determination Rician distribution K-factor. In the second approach, we want to find more concrete rain-rate dependency with using linear regression. The results achieved in our long-term investigation clearly indicate that the strong impact of rain itself is a minor. So-called secondary rain impacts such as scattering of reflections from wet surfaces cause the main attenuation contribution.