How to Enhance the Efficiency of Loss-Less Optical Burst Switching Networks with the Streamline Effect

Milos Kozak, Brigitte Jaumarad, Leos Bohac

DOI: 10.15598/aeee.v13i4.1476
With the ongoing steady traffic increase in the Internet, the wavelength usage of the supporting optical networks is a critical network efficiency parameter. Therefore, this paper suggests a way how to efficiently and economically achieve this goal in the context of optical burst switching, a very promising technology that has been proposed to overcome the shortcomings of conventional WDM deployment, such as lack of fine bandwidth granularity in wavelength routing and electronic speed bottlenecks in the presence of bursty traffic. In order to mitigate the burst loss and achieve high network efficiency we adapt the loss-less paradigm defined by Coutelen et al. (2010), i.e., the CAROBS framework. In classical OBS networks, the streamline effect ensures a very low level of contention, i.e., efficient transmission, hence we define a routing guided only by the streamline effect. The resulting routing problem is formulated as an optimization model which is solved using a decomposition technique to increase the scalability of the solution process.