A New Biased Model Order Reduction for Higher Order Interval Systems

Mangipudi Siva Kumar, Gulshad Begum

DOI: 10.15598/aeee.v14i2.1395
This paper presents a new biased method for order reduction of linear continuous time interval systems. This method is based on the Stability equation method, Pade approximation and Kharitonov’s theorem. The higher order interval system is represented by four Kharitonov transfer functions using the Kharitonov’s theorem, and then reduced order models are obtained by the general form of the Stability equation method and Pade approximation. The Stability equation method is used to obtain a reduced order denominator polynomial while the Pade approximation is used for reduced order numerator coefficients. This method generates a stable reduced order model if the original higher order interval system is stable. The proposed method is illustrated with the help of typical numerical examples considered from the literature, and these are compared with well-known methods to show the efficacy of the proposed method.