Power Quality Enhancement Using Power Balance Theory Based DSTATCOM

Jampana Bangarraju, Veeramalla Rajagopal, Askani Jaya Laxmi

DOI: 10.15598/aeee.v14i1.1342
The DSTATCOM (Distributed Static Compensator) is used for current harmonic mitigation, Power Factor Correction (PFC), reactive power compensation, load balancing and neutral current compensation in the Power Distribution System (PDS). In this paper, the power balance theory based DSTATCOM is used for power quality enhancement like current harmonic mitigation, power factor correction (PFC), reactive power compensation, load balancing and neural current compensation and load balancing. A non-isolated star/delta transformer is to reduce dc-link voltage v_(dc) of Voltage Source Converter (VSC) and neutral current compensation. The reference source currents can be extracted quickly by using proposed power balance theory. The proposed power balance theory based DSTATCOM is modeled and simulated using MATLAB/SIMULINK under PFC and ZVR (Zero Voltage Regulation) operations.