A Combined Methodology of H∞ Fuzzy Tracking Control and Virtual Reference Model for a PMSM

Djamel Ounnas, Messaoud Ramdani, Salah Chenikher, Tarek Bouktir

DOI: 10.15598/aeee.v13i3.1331
The aim of this paper is to present a new fuzzy tracking strategy for a permanent magnet synchronous machine (PMSM) by using Takagi-Sugeno models (T-S). A feedback-based fuzzy control with h-infinity tracking performance and a concept of virtual reference model are combined to develop a fuzzy tracking controller capable to track a reference signal and ensure a minimum effect of disturbance on the PMSM system. First, a T-S fuzzy model is used to represent the PMSM nonlinear system with disturbance. Next, an integral fuzzy tracking control based on the concept of virtual desired variables (VDVs) is formulated to simplify the design of the virtual reference model and the control law. Finally, based on this concept, a two-stage design procedure is developed: i) determine the VDVs from the nonlinear system output equation and generalized kinematics constraints ii) calculate the feedback controller gains by solving a set of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). Simulation results are provided to demonstrate the validity and the effectiveness of the proposed method.